Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ms. Alice... Kido... Me... Xiao Ning...

Today, i went to dancing class.. luckily it open today, if not zha dao again like last week.. go there then didn;t open.. hahas.. i went in to the office room, saw xiao ning was studying.. so fine, don't kacau her.. examing is coming.. she studied sejarah! i HATE that! after that, Ms.Alice came in and ask us,

you all 30th, 31th may and 1st of jun free or not?
FREE! Izit saturday, sunday and monday?
Why le?
i need you all to help me..
Help what o?
that time got ballet competition.. you all help me in back stage.. everything is free.. lunch included.. you all help only..
OKOK! Can.. but need to ask first..
try to let me know tomorrow..
ha? tomorrow? so fast?
ya, cause monday got meeting already, need the names.. lastest is Monday morning..
okok.. sure..where arh?
err.. the KLCC there...
wah.. where o?
you know the pusat pelancongan there? Matic..
erm.. i don't know... how bout the transport? need to go there ourselves?
err.. yes.. no, maybe you all can meet up in one place then i ask someone to pick you up.. maybe i can fetch you all back..
ok lar... i ask first lar.. 3 days also must go?
no lar.. saturday can don't go.. cause practice only.. but sunday and monday must go..

kido came in..

go where go where?
ballet competition.. ask them to help in back stage..
i also want to go! i also can help mar..
cannot la.. there all girls only.. you know la... they changing got guy tak boleh one..
owh.. i understand.. haha.. COME... go in go in!
ehh... you want to go? i want ler... so nice..
i also! so exiting!!
ok ask already sms me.. go sunday and monday one lar.. 3 days i think cannot..
ya lor..ok.. i ask first..
GO IN la! talk so much!
ok lar!

then we went in.. felt so exciting about the concert! so warm up, then started the dance.. today's steps was damn hard.. something like bellet... need to turn..and you know damn hard to turn cause we wearing sport shoes! haiz.. he can;t understands us.. after 2 part finish, then rest lo... end up infront of the laptop.. cause ah wee was watching freaking ppl's video... the guy can sing guy girl voice.. can change any time.. siao.. another one lagi siao, he can beatbox and sing together... not a human! he can sing he ABC song like high low high low.. damn freaky man! after that ning ask me

eh.. felt like talking pictures with you now.. i got bring my camera..
ya lor.. but now so many ppl le..
ya lor.. how?
nvm.. later wait for them go out then we take..

the dance last 4 times then end class..

ehh.. how? they not yet go le..
nvm, we go lift the take..

we run up there!

then we faster press the button, but is too slow.. jia yang came..

shit! how? cannot already!
nvm lar.. next week lor..
okok.. later remember ask you parents ya!
ok.. you too!
sunday and monday ya!

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