Saturday, August 22, 2009


i just finished 2 papers yesterday.. BI2 and BM2.. is like freaking me out! BI still okay.. BM!!!!! urh! you know what they come out for novel??? is gaya bahasa!!!!!!!!!! some more need to write 2 novels! pahlawan pasir salak and panas salju! first time i leave blank in my exam for my entire life! 10 marks gone like that! last minute everyone was like either teknik plot or gaya bahasa will come out for exam.. i was like WTH?! teknik plot still okay.. gaya bahasa? OH NO MAN! the first thing i got the paper is look at bahagian D! seriously GAYA BAHASA! and my mind tells me that i gonna leave the paper blank! i no need to waste my 10 minutes to do that.. and no need to waste my paper and ink as well! most important thing is, don;t need to waste teacher's time to read the nonsence! teacher didn;t teach before gaya bahasa you know? even her own class said that! she said gaya bahasa won;t come out one lar.. some more her class is good class! what a teacher man! 10 marks.. i seriously need to aim paper 1 edi.. paper 2 ''HOPELESS"!!!!

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